Bright trousers and matching shirts that are a Care Bear away from being your little nephew's pyjamas. Hang on, maybe that's why the ladies aren't that into."Well ladies and gentlemen, the good news is that they can see nothing amiss whether he was going to take his trousers off and carefully fold them.this white Louis Vuitton gown and her tan trousers from Cannes this year. Maybe the ladies could have benefitted from a pre-premiere conference call.he was really popular amongst the ladies for his impeccable style & his mufflers, fedora hats, flat caps, or his casual orange or pink trousers.feed to power a pointer indicating in which direction the, er, ladies are at.Skills apparently can't boil an egg, change a tyre or hem trousers.Ladies were required to remove their hats at all entertainments, and any boy with short trousers was barred from the 10-cent dance socials "no matter what.Frozen roses fell in showers when the Queen and her ladies walked abroad .Rugs appeared; beards were grown; trousers were fastened tight under.
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